Vivek Kamath
Heal The World, India
Title: Case study of insulin dependent diabetes: Healing without medicines
Biography: Vivek Kamath
As most of us are aware Type 2 diabetes can be controlled and cured completely with the diet, workouts (yoga), effective stress management and other healing methods. Testimonial of one of my patient aged 70 years, male suffering from diabetes from more than 12 years and took 3 insulin doses per day. He has completed Reiki Master Degree through some Reiki Master in India. He came to be with the problem that he is not able to feel the energy while doing his self healing. Moreover, he was suffering major health problems like (Insulin dependent diabetes for nearly 12 years, insomnia, constipation, stomach heaviness, etc.). I gave him Reiki Level 1 attunement a month back. On 25th July he has taken his random glucose reading. The random glucose level was 575 mg/dl. On July 27th I have given him Usui Reiki Level 2, 3 Attunement, Karuna Reiki Attunement and Mexican Healing attunement (Guru Poornima Day). Immediately after the attunement we checked his random glucose level it came down to 383 mg/Dl. After 1 Mexican Healing: On 28th July evening, I conducted Mexican healing training class to my patient along with others. I took his random glucose level before giving him Mexican healing and it was 344 mg/Dl. After 1 Mexican healing his glucose came down to 260 mg/Dl. All the people who attended the training class were astonished with the power of Mexican healing. To summarize in 3 days, using attunement (Reiki and Mexican attunement) and with 1 Mexican healing, his glucose level came down from 575 mg/dL to 260 mg/DL. What is the percentage in drop down? 54.8%. Is possible to bring this much of level down in 3 days without taking insulin? Please note that there is no change in his food/diet or workouts. Also note the difference between the readings after attunement and after healing. We are all made up of energy and it flows though the energy centers (chakra). We can’t necessarily see energy, but we can feel the energy. When our energy centers becomes weak, diseases related to corresponding energy centers will pop up. For Diabetes, there is energy center called “Solar Plexus” (Also called as Manipura Chakra). All diabetic patients will have low energy in their solar plexus energy. If you energize this energy center you will see the drastic reduction in your glucose level. You do not need to go for a pancreas transplant or tablets/insulin to treat your diabetes. It is all in the energy. Learn from your Reiki master or healers to energize all your weaker organs or energy centers.