Halina Malina
Axanton Technology GmbH, Switzerland
Halina Malina pursued her PhD in antibiotic biosynthesis working at the Medical School of Lodz (Poland). She is a Chemical Engineer from Polytechnic of Lodz, Lodz. Since 1984, she worked at the Institute of Chemistry of Natural Substances (CNRS), with collaboration with Pasteur Institute of Paris (France). In 1990 she worked as project leader in CNRS University in Zurich. She discovered the IDO in the eye and the role of xanthurenic acid in the cataract development. She followed the research on xanthurenic acid-induced cell pathology at universities in Lausanne, and Bern and ETH. Her research on the chemical mechanism of the diseases with aging met a strong opposition of the academia healing the transgenic mice. All support for research was rejected in 2004. She continued on her own and established the technology curing the infection and the aging-associated pathology.
Abstract : Elimination the chemically modified proteins from the cell membranes prevents the cell degeneration